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发布时间:2009-08-20 11:37:00
范 围:在海水中它可以传播5.5公里,在淡水中只能传播3000米,其最大工作水深可达150米。
规 格:重量75克。
功 效:利用多数鱼种的趋声、趋光性,以特定声光波作为引诱因素,实现对较远较深的水域鱼类的呼唤引诱,刺激并吸引鱼类集中游向捕捉或者钓鱼范围,提高捕鱼或者钓鱼者单位作业时间的鱼获量,具有极高的经济价值。本系列产品专利属于美国BMO,本公司受权分销于中国大陆地区。
使 用:可以用于钓鱼,诱鱼到钓点附近,半水钓就浮球吊着用,钓底就沉底使用(诱鱼器上有系绳的孔);也可以用于挂网捕,比如:丝网,挂网,拉网,罾网,水地笼等鱼网鱼笼都可以使用;
注 意:请在遵守钓鱼捕鱼的基本规则下使用,为安全考虑不要在雷雨天气使用;

诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,诱鱼器/水下诱鱼器/美国诱鱼器/诱鱼技术/诱鱼装置,诱鱼机,诱鱼剂,诱鱼药,美国诱鱼器,钓鱼美国诱鱼器,捕鱼美国诱鱼器,海边美国诱鱼器, 水库美国诱鱼器, 江边美国诱鱼器, 湖边美国诱鱼器, 鱼塘美国诱鱼器, 大河美国诱鱼器, 小河美国诱鱼器, 大江美国诱鱼器;美国诱鱼机,钓鱼美国诱鱼机,捕鱼美国诱鱼机,海边美国诱鱼机,水库美国诱鱼机,

Hello,Welcome to choose our product 
Not only can we use these products faster and more to catch fish, fish fish, but can give you and
your family have a lot of fun.

If you are in relatively clear water to catch fish, or use the large square net fishing fish, and
even can clearly see all kinds of fish, loach, crabs, prawns, etc. from different places travel up
together  Now, you may one side watch, at the same time catch fish 

Principle: Make use of major kind of fish to tend towards sound , phototaxis , lure a factor with
specially appointed acousto-optic wave action , realization is lured to more distant deeper water area fish calling, is stimul
ate and is attract fish to concentrate. You face catch possibly go angling space, catching improvi
ng fisher unit assignment time fishes amounts, has extremely high economic value. Can coordinate u
sage such as fish, supernatural being net , square-shaped fishing net, large net going fishing.
Scope : In the sea it can spread 5.5 kilometers, in the freshwater spread around 3000 meters. The
maximum working depth of up to 100 meters.
We hope that our products can bring to your fishing harvest and joy  I hope that we can also become a very good friend  I wish you the catch / fishing trip harvests, fish outlets, but also the wilderness    Please do not forget to your friends about us for the lure fish.
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